FAQ: "Our People Know How To Write! Why Would We Hire An Outsider?"

I have no doubt that your people can write. And this may sound silly but I put it out anyway. Good copy is not written but crafted.

What's the difference?

A hell of a lot really.

You see, many of your people know how to write to inform, to educate or to entertain. But for them writing is a side interest. They write because writing supports the main event.

For instance, IT professionals write reports and other documents.

Copywriting is about selling in words. And you have two target markets: 1) humans and 2) Google. Yes, you have to ride two horses with one arse, so to say.

I've descended from an accomplished horseman nation of the Huns, but I've never seen anyone pull it off. You need either an exceptionally large arse or tiny horses. And even if we consider that the Huns rode small horses, the arse-horse ratio still doesn't add up.

So, copywriting is basically about selling in writing. As the copywriting legend John E. Kennedy, at the dawn of the 20th century defined is, "salesmanship in print". So, here is a short comparison...

General Writing Copywriting

Editorial focused

Marketing focused

Idea, product, concept or services driven

Client driven

Focus is on sharing information, instructing, informing and educating

Focus is on solving a problem and selling a product/service

It's about what's happened

It's about what it means to clients


Action invoking


Salesmanship in print

Objective: Inform, educate, dazzle and amaze readers

Objective: Create a new client

Well, I could even say that diving is diving is diving. Well, think of water diving (acrobatic jumping into water), scuba diving, skydiving or even dumpster diving. Huge difference.

Hopefully it's a touch clearer now.

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