"How I Work With IT Companies"

In this section you can read some thoughts on how we can work together, so by the time you contact me, you have a better understanding of what to expect.

Just like you, I too am picky about who I work with. While I realise we have our differences, at a certain philosophical level, we have to have something in common, so we're a fit to work together.

My Basic Philosophy

Increasing sales is not about chasing more people all over hell's half acre like a maniacal bloodhound and then pulling dirty, manipulative sales tricks on innocent buyers, but about creating magnetic attraction, so the right buyers come to you and do business with you on their own volition.

And the more of the low-level processes you can automate, the ones that don't need human interaction, the more sales you can achieve with fewer staff and in less time, effort and headache. Thus higher profit.

Other considerations are...

The Size of Project Team

I usually work with the executives responsible for marketing and selling the company's stuff. It's vital that my clients get proactively involved in projects, so they can better learn what needs to be learnt and then sustain the improvement after my disengagement.

The ideal size of the project team is between four and eight, but it also depends on the size of your company. They key is that you provide a team, so they can learn the whole process, so the new knowledge stays within your company and becomes the organisation's intellectual property.

The Role of the Client's Staff

We work in a fully collaborative fashion, which means that you appoint your own project team and I work with your people to develop and implement your custom-tailored business development system, while sharing my knowledge with your people to the point when I can leave, and your people can safely continue the process.

It is important that we have team members both from marketing, sales and client service. After all, business development is an integrated process of lead generation, lead conversion and client fulfilment or value delivery, and must be treated in a holistic manner.

Project Time Frames

I work at a pretty high intensity (Intensity defined as effort, focus, commitment, level of challenge, effective use of resources, level of energy, responsiveness, level of access, interest), NOT number of hours of manual labour or poundage of deliverables. I know my clients want to see improvements as soon as possible, yet it takes some time to create something worthwhile.

However, by focusing on intensity instead of meaningless number of hours and brain dead deliverables, we focus on creating specific results not merely ploughing through specific activities leading nowhere. After all, what's the use of running faster and faster if we're running in the wrong direction?

Skill Building for Your Staff

I provide the necessary skill transfer during our collaboration. When repeated learning is needed, I help the appropriate manager to create the curriculum and the whole programme, but I prefer the managers to do the teaching, while I can sit in the shadows, observing the event and providing feedback.

Later we debrief and polish the quality of both the programme itself and the delivery. It is vitally important that affinity builds between your managers and their people. After all, I am an outsider. Insiders must have develop relationships with each other based on trust and respect.

Managing Engagements

I believe that your people are the most qualified to implement your projects because they know the most about your business, your market and your way of conducting business. Therefore the project team leader is always one of your people, and I'm a sort of advisor to the project leader, providing support, unbiased feedback and suggestions for improvement.

But it is crucial that one of your people leads the project team, so after my disengagement the same person can take charge of further improvements without ever depending on me again.

Reporting and Communication Methods

We keep this very simple. Reporting is non-existent. Subordinates report to their superiors. Peers and collaborators, brainstorm, compare notes and suggest approaches. As for communication, we communicate as often as needed and clear up issues as fast as possible. Everyone is expected to bring issues "above the table", and together we decide what to do next. Absolutely and positively no small prints and hidden agendas.

Compensation Methods

Just as any and every business out there, I too thrive on making a good profit on my work. I practise value pricing, the only ethical pricing method that actually aligns my clients' and my interests, and allows clients to get what they pay for.

This approach also allows clients to better manage their budgets for the project. They receive a fixed amount to invest upfront without extra costs hidden in small prints. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the amount of time I "work" has no correlation to the value my clients receive.

In value-pricing your investment is basically the function of your expected return. Small investment for a doghouse, and larger investment for a palace. Small investment for carbonated horse piss, and larger investment for vintage Dom Perignon. Simple really.

All in all, working with me is both intellectually challenging and rewarding.

Tom's Top 7 Engagement Requirements

  1. I work only with those businesses whose products, services and business practices I can embrace as honest, moral and ethical and truly contribute to improvement in their clients' condition. I've reached the point my career where I care more about how I earn my living than how much I earn. I love to be proud of the companies I work with and the products and services I promote.

  2. I'm not running a bank, so I require to be paid on time without hassle. ALL my clients pay my fees as per our agreements. I get 50% of my fee upfront and the other 50% BERFORE completion. On the top of that, I get the contingency part of my fee based on each month's gross sales, which has something to do with my copy, by the 5th of the next month. The contingency part makes sure that I continually tweak the copy for better performance.

  3. I accept payments in US Dollars through bank wire, Paypal, credit cards, or couriered cheques. If it is all possible, I insist on bank wire, because the other methods are a tad too clumsy to handle. Yes, there is a little service charge on bank wire which boys and girls may find disturbing, but men and women accept it as the cost of doing business.

  4. I do NOT guarantee results for my copy. The #1 contributor (~ 60%) to your overall success is your list and the #2 (~ 30%) is your offer. Copy is a distant #3 (~ 10%). Everything else, including graphics, is as good as negligible. So, as you can see, your success is about 90% up to you. And it would be unethical of me to promise you unrealistic pipedream results just to win you as a client, knowing that I can't control what you do with my copy after I've written it and handed it over to you.

  5. I hate being micromanaged. Some clients in the past, especially in smaller businesses, had the nasty habit of setting one or more of their minions on me to "supervise" me. They tried to turn me into their minions' minion. Well. I'd left the employment world because I couldn't stand when some BSD[1] supervisors with a tyrannical mentality tried pushing me around. It may be the military, but I tend to push back... hard.

  6. I write copy to generate sales leads, subscribers, workshop, seminar and webinar attendants, etc., but I can't generate direct sales for you. And writing effective copy takes a bit of time due to its unique process. So, I don't take it too well, when clients call me on an almost daily basis urging me to work more quickly because they need the copy... yesterday.

  7. Unless you can wait 6-9 months for your copy to reach critical market penetration and consumption to get decent results, let's forget about it all. Everything that is worth doing takes a little time. Good copy keeps your business profitable for many years to come, but it's not an instant gratification thing. It's a long-term gratification thing.

So, now you know a bit more about how I work. Now you can go and read about my services.

[1]BSD stands for Big Swinging Dick - as Robert Sutton calls dickhead manmagers in his book, The No Asshole Rule.Continue where you've left off...